View from the top in Shanghai

View from SWFC looking towards the Huangpu River. There's a saying that the way up is harder than the way down, but the view is from the top. Well, this is one view from the top that you don't have to work at, not even to lift a finger to press the elevator button. Instead you are escorted by an attractive stewardess on a flight of fancy in a futuristic bullet-capsule, complete with mood-changing lights, that takes you to the observation deck on the 100th floor of the Shanghai World Financial Centre. Here you can drink in the breathtaking view of the city studded with skyscrapers of all architectural flavours. After your photo ops and kodak moments, you can pick up your mementos, including a bottle opener shaped like the building. Yes, the SWFC is affectionally nicknamed the Bottle Opener by the natives.